Obtain the Personal Certificate » History » Revision 3
Revision 2 (Timo Eronen, 2019-04-26 19:53) → Revision 3/11 (Timo Eronen, 2019-04-26 20:04)
h1. Obtain the Personal Certificate *Before you start:* *PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU ARE NOT USING A PUBLIC COMPUTER. YOUR GRID IDENTITY WILL BE STORED IN THE BROWSER YOU USE FOR THIS.* Here are the step-by-step instructions for obtaining your own certificate: # Go to https://www.digicert.com/sso/ # Type in your institution (Turku in our case, it will autocomplete) # Login using your HAKA username and password # If you get an error about missing attributes, complain to our University IT center "Report problem of obtaining Personal certificate":mailto:helpdesk@utu.fi?subject=Problem%20obtaining%20Grid%20personal%20certificate&body=Obtaining%20Grid%20personal%20certificate%20from%20DigiCert%20does%20not%20function? (malto:helpdesk@utu.fi) # Depending on your institution, you might be asked to confirm to forward the information to the TCS portal. # In "Choose a product" select "Grid Premium" # If you have a pre-generated CSR, paste it into its window. # Press "Request certificate" # The certificate will be generated and automatically imported into the browser.