Create SSH keys for Login » History » Revision 2
Revision 1 (Timo Eronen, 2016-05-04 07:42) → Revision 2/12 (Timo Eronen, 2016-05-04 07:45)
h1. Create SSH keys for Login As an example we create keys for *titan* cluster. Login to the computer from which you want to access the Cluster. Change to directory *~/.ssh/* <pre> cd ~/.ssh/ </pre> If you don't have such directory, create it and change into it. Create key pair using the following command. *DO NOT SETUP PASSPHRASE !!* <pre> ssh-keygen -f id_rsa_titan -t rsa </pre> Now you have key pair: * *id_rsa_titan* is your private key. *Keep it secret*. * ** is your public key. Make sure the private key has the right protection: <pre> chmod 400 id_rsa_titan </pre> Send the public key ( to the Cluster: *DO NOT SEND FILE id_rsa_titan WHICH IS YOUR PRIVATE KEY AND SHOULD BE KEPT SECRET.* <pre> scp </pre> Login into and while logged change into directory *~/.ssh* <pre> cd ~/.ssh/ </pre> a) If you have file named *authorized_keys* add contents of at the end of *authorized_keys* <pre> cat ../ >> ./authorized_keys </pre> b) If you don't have file named *authorized_keys* rename to *authorized_keys* and move it: <pre> mv ../ ./authorized_keys </pre> Logout from Edit your local config file ... <pre> emacs config </pre> ... and add the following lines: <pre> Host titan User YOUR_USERID HostName IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_titan </pre> Replace YOUR_USERID with your user id in titan. You setup is done now and you should be able to login: <pre> ssh titan </pre>